2012.02.06. 22:00 Vaeltaja

Dany Le Rouge


First and foremost we must raise the question: is there such a thing like the true  face of Daniel Cohn-Bendit? Wait and see...

The politician widely known as Dany the Red, who first gained fame in the events of 1968, has Jewish ancestors, German father and French mother. His parents fleed to the US from the war, but her mother's pregnancy and his birth forced them to stay.

His father returned to Germany in 1952 to pursue a carrier as a lawyer. Dany had no citizenship until his 14th year, then he chose to become German - because he didn't intend to be a man at arms. (Question: did he oppose war ot was he just a coward?)

The same year he joined his mother to follow his father back in Germany. He lived and studied in a boarding school, where one of his teachers was an active member of the French communist party bythe time of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, but resigned at the disappointment caused by the events there. However, his views were arguably a further influence on Dany who graduated  there in 1965. The head of the school found him agressive and violent tempered.

After his parents' pass, he returned to France and started to learn sociology with the aid of Hessen state at a minor university located in a suburb of Paris.

His father was a committed adherer of Trotzki, so it's no surprising if the boy - under the mentioned circumstances and being influenced by the lectures he attended at the university - moved forward to the idealist communist ideas, that he started to stand up for outspokenly in the '60s.

Since the beginning of his political carreer he has always been a man of demonstrations, parade-politics and outrageous speeches. He rounded up the anarchists of Paris and participated in multiple actions during the late '60s, like the "conquest" of the faculty of phylosophy of his own university, which in itself triggered a mass of events known today as the Events of May. A widely acclaimed, naturally gifted orator, he soon speared the movement. Meanwhile he also contacted the German communist youth.  After the events of May, 1968 he travelled to Berlin, on the way back the French authorities didn't let him enter the country once again, thus de facto extraditing him from France for 10 years.

He was banned from France until 1978. However, soon after his first attempt he succeded to return with the aid of his girlfriend - disguised and hidden under false appearance - in the country and participate in a meeting at the Sorbonne, where he literally brought down the house. Local students expressed their solidarity with him with the slogan "We are all German jews".

(We still don't possess any data concerning his graduating from university.We will be grateful to anybody who can help us clarify this issue)

Then he reutrned to Frankfurt. Initially he worked as a co-educator at an alternative kindergarden attached to the local university, later he became a librarian of a marxist library. Soon he joined the Spontis.

"Sponti" was a movement that believed in revolution's success by a series of independent, spontaneous actions rather than a long-term strategy, whence its name.

In Frankfurt, he joined the actions against nuclear power.  His role in the struggle against the construction of the so called Startbahn-West was reportedly instrumental in what was to become the high-start of the German Greens. That's in fact how Dany the anarchist became "green". 

Dany Le Rouge on the tree - Welt Online



He ran for municipal delegate on elections as a greem until he was successfully elected.

1986, as a green delegate, he published the book "We Loved It So Much, the Revolution", in which he recalls with nostalgy the times when he provoked the youth against the state.

In his book "Spirit for politics", published in 1998, he expressed his opinion that every consistent "green" politician must fight for lowering common costs, and there is no need for telephone, railway, elecricity and water service in the hands of the state.



Le vrai visage de Daniel Cohn-Bendit by mattlouf


 He showed himself as an enthusiastic follower of the neoliberalism of Friedmann. He supported the institution of 7 workdays in a week, the equal payment for youngsters and elders and the independency of educational system. Education must be synchronised with business and indusrty, he said, moreover, industry itself should participate in education. Thus, he admitted publically, he quitted with  the views he shared and tried to instil in his followers back in 1968.

His stand for capitalists hasn't got too much in common with green ideology, just like the support of the introduction of Euro or EU constitution that are supposed to stimulate globalisation. His ideology is more left-sided, neoliberalist. In those times it seemed the "golden middle-way" compared to the very left views of Jospin, and seemed very likeable for the French. Ironically, he made this radical switch around the time he ran for his first term as a member of EP with the support of the French Greens (he had already been elected once with the support of the German Greens and was still in service)

In his 2008 book "What to do" he called for radical reforms; in the same year he repeatdly took the side of capitalists, arguing that since they were able to make money, they had the winning cause and we had to learn from them. At that time - strange enough where the world was on the brink of the great economic crisis or was rather already rolling down the slope - he declared he didn't care what people thought and said about the perils money chase pose to the environment.

What about his party, the Europe-Écologie? In 2001 his elder brother, Gabriel told in an interview in that the Europe-Écologie was not a real green party, It's but a figleaf/ cache-sexe, he said - a party that uses cheap rhetorics to attract people who desperately want to calm their green conscience, though they aren't even close to green mentality. The few genuine greens in France don't support Cohn-Bendit. In online forums we can read comments such as "he should take the h out of his surname, because it's not necessary" (the word con in French means stupid, asshole, turd) and the like. Furthermore, a song was composed in his honour, the lyrics of which are avaiable here

To sum up, Cohn-Bendit is nothing but a talented speaker, who at his best lures voters  with agreeable words, just like the students once, but when his political career is not concerned he satirizes like hell - every one who stands in his way: be it Durão Barroso and his colleagues in 2004, or Viktor Orbán in the case of Hungarian media law in 2010, or in the same year even the coach Raymond DOmenech in the days following the unsuccessful games of the French team in the FIFA World Cup.

The professional politician, who happens to have no higher qualification than a "sociology student", seems to be an expert in everything.

Neoanarchist? Green? Neoliberal? Capitalist?

Is there a true face of Daniel Cohn-Bendit? We don't think so.


Maybe this is the closest thing to his real image: Dany has slight pedofile instincts. It is recommended to watch the whole video.


We can only state for certain one thing: namely, our Dany the Red has nothing to do with environmental politics.

"Green politics is a political ideology that aims for the creation of an ecologically sustainable society rooted in environmentalism, social liberalism, and grassroots democracy." That is the definition from Wikipedia, though the entity is more complicated. The world is full of fake-green organisations, so it is important to know the real ones when we see them.

A green politician puts the interest of mankind above business and political intentions. For mankind the protection of this interest is found in conservation, healthy lifestyle, improvement of science and technology and protection of all lives.

Dany Le Rouge does not care abput the environment. Once he baceme "green" to protest against nuclear power, that's extremely ridiculous. He protects the right of the wild capitalist multinational companies in the EP, instead of European people. If he is a "green politician", maybe he should speak for our natural environment, animals and plants, but he doesn't. Instead, he speaks about everything else. And of course, he likes it best when he is not concerned.

I cannot even imagine, which company or bank is so upset with Viktor Orbán (Hungarian PM), that this beast has been sent on him?

For those of you who would gladly know something more on the topic, we have good news! There is an entire comic relating his glorious story (in French), and, luckily, it is - and will hopefully continue to be - available online even after ACTA. 

Daniel Cohn-Bendit is not a green politician. Whatsoever he may think about himself. We, conscious, enviromentalist civilians, who support sustainable development, distance ourselves from him. And we ask every enviromentalist organisations to do the same. Even those who agree or don't agree with us. This guy is a political buffoon, so untenable.

So back to our question – we repeat: no, there is no such thing as the true face of Dany the Red. 


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And don't forget about your German friends!

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Trackback: Dany Le Rouge 2012.02.27. 08:12:01

  Wer sind Sie, Herr Cohn-Bendit?   'Ne gute Frage. Zunächst sollten wir aber eine andere stellen. Kann man überhaupt vom echten Gesicht Daniel Cohn-Bendits reden? Lass mal sehen...   Der Sohn eines deutschen Juden und einer französische...

Trackback: Je m'appelle Dany...le Rouge? Le Vert? Pardon, je m'en rappelle plus... 2012.02.27. 08:08:59

Vous connaissez le vrai visage de Dany le Rouge? Bonne question, mais d'abord il faut se poser une autre: Le vrai visage de Dany le Rouge? Est-ce qu'on peut en parler? À voir...   Né en 1945 en France, d'origine il aurait du voir le jour aux Ét...


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